Grading System:- A letter Grading System shall be followed in the University. The uniform Grad…
TCS NATIONAL QUALIFIER TEST:- TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) is an Ability Test that ass…
On 5th January, 2021, Toycathon 2021; a Hackathon to crowd source innovative ideas for the Toy…
Here are the links to the Notices:- Ph.D. Notice Click Here Pre Bid Notice Click Here Even S…
Guys Here are the link to the Notices:- Nodal center notice:- Click Here BE BEE are equal Not…
So here is the link to 8 courses- Course-1 Click Here Course-2 Click Here Course-3 Click He…
Gamers Back Internship Opportunity Gamersback is a Bangalore-based Gaming Firm working towards …
Hello guys!! How are you all? Hope you all are doing well and safe in your home. Here is the …
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