Hii everyone! how are you all? Hope you are doing well and safe in your home. Here are the schedule of BPUT even final and intermediate semesters back exam.
Tentative Schedule For Even Final And Intermediate (Distinct Back paper) Examinations: 2019-20 1st Phase
It is for information of all the concerned that the Tentative Schedule of the Even Final & intermediate Semester examinations: 2019-20 is mentioned below. The First sitting shall start from 10.00 AM to 12 noon (for 70 marks) / 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM (for 100 Marks) and 2nd sitting shall start from 02.00 PM to 04.00 PM / 02.00 PM to 04.30 PM (for 100 marks)
Trial test Notice:- Download Here
Even Semester Back Notice:- Download Here